19 years, 19 lessons
As ironic as it is I’m writing this while listening to “My Funny Valentine by Chet Baker”. In two days, on Valentines day I’ll be entering my last year as a teenager. I’ll be 19, finally. For the sake of turning another year older, I though it would be appropriate to write down nineteen lessons that I’ve learned over the course of my life.
You are great at saving money
Be patient.
Recycling is key
Life does not always go the way you planned. there is no reason to cry, just keep trying
You are, and never will be perfect
As cliche as it is, less is more
Annotating makes literature a million times better
Taking time away from people is ok.
The importance of spedning time with family
Friendships will end, its not always your fault
Memories are too important, write ‘em all down
Kaleo is one of the best bands ever.
There is nothing wrong with showing emotions.
Hug your loved ones as often as possible
Everything will pass, and you should pat yourself on the shoulder more often seeing that you got through everything you struggled with so far
It is ok to take time off from whatever you are doing
The importance of saying please, and thank you
Life does not improve by complaining. Shut up and don’t complain or change it
Don’t worry about the things you don’t have control over