10 days of personal detoxification

Definition of detox

1: detoxification from an intoxicating or addictive substance. 

2: a regimen or treatment intended to remove toxins and impurities from the body.

When giving advice on wellness it's easy to be a hypocrite, because it's truly hard to form healthy habits and sticking to them. That is why we wanted to make a 10-day challenge, to prevent that feeling of overwhelm you get, when trying to do everything at once. When this period is over you can choose which one of these steps towards a more balanced life, you would like to stick with. If you manage to create rituals out of all of them - that is great, but try to not put too much pressure on it. Just give these 10 days ago and see where that takes you. 


Day 1: 

We start off simple. Declutter your mind by jotting everything onto paper. Every feeling and every thought. Sometimes it can feel very clearing to just get it all out of your system by writing freely about what's in your heart and on your mind. Don't worry too much about grammar and structure. Simply write. You can do this exercise either in the morning or at night (or both). An advantage of doing it in the morning is that you don't have to think about all of the things you just wrote down, throughout the day, or keep it in the back of your mind. It is written down, it will be taken care of. An advantage of writing before bed is that it can free the mind from unnecessary worries and help you sleep.

Day 2:

Go for a 15 min walk. If this isn't possible, go for a shorter walk - it is better than doing nothing.  If you like to try something new, go without music, podcast or your phone. Let yourself breathe for once and take in your surroundings. Grab a film camera and head for a walk around your neighborhood or go for a walk in the fresh air of the woods. Detox your body and mind from all the stress and expectations. 

Day 3:

Note every time you sit down or lay down throughout the day. Simply be aware of this specific movement of the body. This mindfulness exercise can prevent anxiety and also keep you more focused. This has a similar effect as the noting technique used in meditation practice, where you note distractions by giving them descriptive labels. 

Day 4:

Declutter the part of your house/ room you use the most. It could be your nightstand, kitchen, closet or even your hallway. Tidy it up and maybe you'll also find a few items that you can give to somebody who would appreciate them more. By creating a more minimalistic atmosphere in the space you use the most, your mind will consequently feel tidier. Another positive aspect to this exercise is that decluttering often have a calming effect on the body.

Day 5:

Today, we want you to focus on combatting environmental pollutants. Meaning that you should be aware of the different ways you can reduce the negative impact we have on the environment. You can take shorter showers, avoid meat and single-use plastics and spend some time looking into different ways to be more eco-friendly. The goal is to become aware of how your habits can be made cleaner and fairer.

Day 6:

Meditate for 5 minutes when you wake up and 10 minutes before bed. Do this with or without guidance. Thousands of studies have shown the positive effects of meditation, such as less stress, reduction of anxiety and better sleep. It is important to keep in mind that there are many forms of meditation, so if the first type you try doesn't suit you, you should not give up just yet. Here is one of our favorite guided meditations: here

Day 7:

Start your day by sorting out your mailbox, turn off your notifications, as well as deleting the apps you don't need or use. Trying to implement mindfulness practices into your every-day life does not have to take a lot of time, nor does it have to be in the physical world. We believe this tiny change will contribute to an overall less stressful day. If possible, try to not use social media for the entire day and write down how that made you feel.

Day 8:

Put on a 5 min timer and scribble down everything that comes to mind. Thereafter, try to sort your thoughts into categories. What needs to be done? What are you able to do? Which of your thoughts are unnecessary worries? When you've done this, try to create a realistic schedule. Creating a plan usually makes it easier to get started and motivated.

Day 9:

Get rid of two possessions or more. The more the merrier. The idea is that a clean and clear home will lead to a clearer mind. Realizing that you don't need all of your material possessions can actually make you less stressed, more motivated and focused. Minimalism isn't just about "stuff", it's about knowing that possestions and things might not be as important as you think. As you continue your minimalistic journey, you will come to realize that the true magic starts to happen after you've passed the decluttering stage. 

Day 10:

Get in touch with your spirituality. You decide to which extent you would like to do this, but you could try to do a moon ceremony or crystal bath, get a tarot reading, read about the different chakras and reflect on which type of energy you currently need most in your life. An important part of getting in touch with your spiritual side, is to learn how to listen to your gut and discover how to find your own calm. Every person is different, meaning that what gets you calm usually varies from person to person.


Hopefully, you feel more in control of various aspects of your life after completing this challenge. We want every single person reading this to become an overall happier and healthier human being. This 10-day detox was created in the hopes that small changes in our life can have a massive and positive effect on us.