June favorites

Piknik i Parken

I won two tickets to a festival in Oslo named Piknik i Parken and made an impromptu trip the next morning with a friend of mine. Although it was raining some parts of the day we still managed to have such a great time. The festival area was decked with fairy lights and food trucks with vegan ice-cream and noodles. We made flower crowns, sat on the edge of a fountain listening to soul and danced in the rain. To name a few, I saw Siv Jacobsen, Real Estate, Fieh, Band of Gold and Solange live. I still can't believe that I got to see Solange preform on her birthday! During my time in Oslo I also visited a couple of thrift shops and ate lunch at a retro inspired café named Retrolykke. Thank you for having me Oslo...

Summer brunch

The day before school ended for the summer, my entire class ate brunch at my teacher's house. It was drizzling as we walked to her house and it did not feel like summer, especially since we had had regular classes earlier that same morning. We closed our umbrellas as we entered the house and left a mess of shoes in her hallway. She had prepared coffee, hot chocolate and cinnamon buns and stood waiting for us upstairs, and in that moment we could not have been happier to get a cup of hot beverage to warm our hands on and sweet pastries to nibble on. There was plants and records on the floor, black and white family photos on the walls and we quickly gathered around her coffee table in the living room. Conversation started flowing and we all sang old Adele songs to the tunes of the piano. It was such a nice way to end the school year and say goodbye to the people who will move abroad next year. 


Pela case

I received my fully-compostable, plastic free, minimal packaging phone case this month! It came with the sweetest handwritten note and it just looks so beautiful! There are several different designs that you can check out if you are looking for a more sustainable phone case. Mine says 'Be the change' which has become one of my daily mantras after I received the cover. Now, everytime I reach for my phone I am reminded of Ghandi's wisdom.


Stall at Tou Scene

Although the summer season has officially arrived, life have been so hectic. It have been such a busy month but it has also been wonderful. NUET is growing, especially the NUET community, and Nora and I have been working on a new "secret" project. Last week we also had our very own stall at Tou Scene, where we sold vegan bliss balls, vintage + pre-loved clothing, purses and books. We had such a nice time chatting about ethical fashion and giving, with the help of you, vintage clothing a new life. We also donated 10% of the money we made to @invisiblegirlproject, which is a non-profit organization that works to stop gendercide, raise global awareness concerning the loss of female lives in India, pursues justice for the lives lost, assists Indian organizations in the rescue of and care for Indian girls and educate girls to give them a better future!

Thank you to everyone who made this possible and came to say hi at Tou Scene!

Halcyon Girls, issue one // Halite 

 A while ago the sweet editor in chief of @halcyongirls reached out to Nora and I and asked us if we wanted to write something around the theme "Halite" which is a crystal that encourages peace, self-love, and inner clarity, for her magazine, and of course we said yes. Now, we are so happy to announce that the mag is finally released and both me and Nora are featured! In the magazine you can find everything from poems and interviews to articles about self-love and how to find emotional balance!

Check it out here!